The Tent

The old lady leads you to a tent. A very strange tent in the middle of the forest. You decide that if you have followed her this far, you can as well enter the tent. Inside the tent is about a thousand candles. As the glowing white pygmy enter the tent, they all light up. Strange.
Old Lady: Please, my friend, sit down.
You take place next to her.
You: Em... What's going on?
Old Lady: I will explain soon, child, soon. First you must know that I am the same lady that told Thomas about the Eld Cave.
You: Oh, really? Thank you. That map leads us to where we're suppose to stop those fire-pygmys once and for all right?
Old Lady: Yes, yes it does indeed, child. But you must keep in mind that traveling inside the Pyros Kings volcano will not be easy...
You: The Pyros King?
Old Lady: Yes, yes, the Pyros King. As you might already know, this isn't the first Fire War to strike the earth. Many, many years ago there was another. The army of pygmys created by dark inferno magic was unstoppable. Everyone suffered under the Pyros King. Until THEY came, that is.
You: Who's "they"?
Old Lady: The heros of the world. Marie and her inferno pygmy Hot-Spot. And Ero and his hybrid pygmy Triton. Triton was a hybrid pygmy, a mix of fire and water, Aqua and Inferno. Hot-Spot was a very strong inferno pygmy. Together, they saved the world by destroying the Pyros Kings Lava-Well where he created the fire-pygmys, as you call them.
You: How did they do that?
Old Lady: Triton combined Aqua and Inferno within himself and forced his own soul to become a weapond that could destroy the Lava-Well. After that, he died because he didn't have a soul anymore. 
You: That's not fair! He saved the whole world. Why did he have to lose his soul?
Old Lady: Ask the gods! The world is not fair, child. 
You: But what did Hot-Spot do then?
Old Lady: Hot-Spot battled the Pyros Kings greatest creation. The Pyros Titan. A huge creature that was as big as the volcano itself and could destroy a whole town in one blow. Hot-Spot defeeted him by useing the very powerful battle move "Fire Twist". That's why I'm so worried, child. Today, the world don't have an inferno pygmy that's good enough to be able to master that battle move. If the Pyros Kings heir can call upon his ancestors ultimate beast, there will be no stopping him.
You: But there has got to be something I can do!
Old Lady: You can, indeed, child. Together with Thomas and Kasper, you must travle to the volcano and destroy the Lava-Well before the Pyros Titan can rise once again.
You: But... But wont Kaspar die from that?
Old Lady: He will indeed. But if he don't, the whole world might just die in his place.

You're right. We'll do it!
No way! They can take the world but not Kaspar!!!