The Old Ladys Ritual!

After accepting that the world just isn't fair, you decide that you will just have to accept Kaspars destiny.
Old Lady: Oh yes! I almost forgot. If the Pyros Titan would be brought back to life, there is a way to defeat him.
You: WHAT!? And why didn't you tell me that before!?
Old Lady: Calm down, child. I know about a special Ritual that can only be used on the day of an eclipse. And that ritual will be able to bring back Hot-Spots spirit to our world. Then he should be able to free the world from the Pyros Titan once again.
You: Ok. Leave the job to the professionals. Sounds simple. What's the ritual?
Old Lady: You must find the ancient Inferno Ring inside the deepest of vulcanos. And on the day of the eclipse, you must burn the ring and send the request back in time to the ancient times when Hot-Spot himself walked the earth and then ASK THE GODS TO SEND HIS SOUL TO TRAVLE OVER THE CENTURIES AND... You might wanna write this down.
You: No, it's ok. I got a great memory.
Old Lady: Well. To take it short, just burn the Inferno Ring on the day of the eclipse. You'll find the ring inside the Pyros Kings volcano.
You: Oh.. Sounds simple. But how will I know when there's going to be an eclipse?
Old Lady: I think you'll notice when everything turns dark because the sun is blocked by the moon.
You: Yeah, of course. But how will I know how much time I have to find the ring?
Old Lady: You don't, so better find it quick. I can feel that an eclipse is comeing.
You: Might I ask one more question?
Old Lady: What is it, child?
You: What's up with the whole "glowing pygmy" thing?
Old Lady: Oh, this is Aya. She's the one and only Helios Pygmy. She's a pygmy with the element Light, that is. I promise you that you'll get to know her futher in the future. But the sun is rising, child. I think it's time for you to wake up.
