
Welcome to this Pygmy-fan-website. The Pygmy dragons is created by Wayvern on another website called DragonAdopters. I am a proud pygmy owner and I have done this little extra website to honor her and her pygmys. If you don't get what I'm saying, here comes an explanation for "Not so smart"-people: I have not created the Pygmy dragons. They belongs to Wayvern. I have no right to handle out eggs or items or anything like that. All of those things are done by Wayvern.


If you wish to join this site you must be a pygmy owner. To own a pygmy, you must buy an egg from Wayvern. No, not for real money. For either Dragon Coins or Pygmy Dragon Coins. More about that in the following link: http://www.dragonadoptersforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=68450.0

I have made this website with just one goal in my mind. To give the happy and proud pygmy owners even more fun stuff to do with thier pygmys! My ultimate goal is to make many diffrent adventures for your little pygmys to complete. That will take alot of time and effort and hey, I'm only 15! So please don't push me about not giving you Rarity Score or not completing the next adventure. Give me some time ok? I'm trying to get some work done at school too. I promise that any adventure I begin to create, I will finish. And I'll do my best to make it come out as fast as possible. But stuff like this takes some time.

And if I haven't made this clear already: This is for pygmy owners only. If you don't have a pygmy, there isen't much you can do here.

Secret Riddle!