PygmyAdventure News!

 Since I'm doing so many updates, I think it will be easy to miss them if they're only written in Wayverns pygmy adopt theard. So, I'm going to use this page as a "News" page.

The night between 31th and 1th!
This is when a very special battle takes place. Halloween and Allhelgona collides. This year, you'll help decide the outcome. Remember, you choose ONE side, and stick to that. Once you've choosen, the other path is closed for you, ok? And the Vampire Force move belongs to spikedragon, so she'll be the only one who can defeat the spirit. The move is a very special one, since it comes with a prize. A prize I, during normal circumstances, wouldn't be able to offer. But now I do. Thanks to an agreement with Wayvern. I didn't tell you guys about this because I wanted you all to think the move was just as any other moves. And of course, after Halloween has disappeared, it will be like any other move. Anyway... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

The Allhelgona Raffle!
The raffle has been drawn. And the winner is... Chibi! Congrats Chibi, you win 5 Ghost Adventure Coins. And hey, Halloween is closing in. Remember all of this will disappear as soon as halloween is over. =D

The pumpkin bow!
Yes, I was thinking of adding weaponds for you guys to collect. They'll higher your skills. I cant belive I didn't think of this earlier... Maybe it's because I cant even spell weaponds? I gotta look that up... Anyway. I'll soon be adding an Adventure Weaponds-page. It'll be kind of like the special move page. The first weapond is already in reach for you members. It's the pumpkin bow.. Good luck!

The Hallowheel!
I've now made the Hallowheel for everyone to play on! Everyone that can pay for it that is... You'll find the hallowheel by the hell market. Good luck, you'll need it! =D

They're here!
Yes, all the letter pygmies have now arrived. You must keep in mind that the password should be written in small letters, except for the first letter. When you have the password, you can finally enter the world of halloween that's been spreading out. You'll find that it's quite complicated! Oh, and you see there's a new special move that's been added to the special battle moves page? It says you need the vampire crystal in order to learn that move. You'll have to make that crystal yourself. The stuff nessesary to do so are somewhere in these hidden halloween areas. You need:

Glowing eye powder.
Draculas tooth.
Clean bat blood.
Bat ears.

And yes... Only one of you will be able to get the move this halloween. But there'll be another chance next year. =D

For those of you who have entered the secret graveyard and read about the swedish halloween-version... There'll be a raffle drawn the 27th October. But I'm not telling you the prize until the raffle has been drawn. =D

Part two!/The Horizon...
Part two is now up! Please excuase me for taking so long... But I honestly know nothing about how to continue this adventure. I've made one imporant decision though that you'll notice when you play the part. I hope next part wont take so long. Also...

The horizon's turning dark. The black letter pygmies are finally arriving. They'll probably all land on the site tomorrow. All pieces of the password will be here for you to collect. The biginning of halloween is here...

Hello everyone!
The forth letter pygmy has arrived! And I will probably be able to put up part two tomorrow. Things are looking good and Halloween is closing in! I hope you all are on the password by now. I mean, you have atleast found a few pieces of it. =D

The new adventure!
I've ended the voting. The winning idea is Forgotten Elements. I'll start working on that today. I'm having alot of tests at school now before our halloween-break, so that's why I'm not as active as usual. But I'll try my best to keep up. In this adventure I'm planning that you'll work with the Red Mage, and finally get to meet his pygmy. Since I think I've been focusing to much on the Old Lady and Aya. =D

Part Five!
This will be the last part of this adventure, 'cause there's something I wanna start working on for halloween... We'll see if I start up a new adventure anyway, but I don't think so... If you think that you REALLY want a new adventure now, and don't want to wait, then tell me. And I'll start on something. =D

Part Four!
Part four is up! And it's abit special.. Yes, I'm talking about the machine. I thought it'd be fun to give you guys that challenge. Of course, there's no way for me to know if you pass the test or not. But I belive you all have enough pride not to cheat. =D Good luck!

Black pygmies...
I've added the new halloween event "Black pygmies". These are small versions of the pygmies(As if they can get any smaller!?), and they'll help you find letters to the password! Yay for the tiny black pygmies! But they'll be hiding somewhere on the site, so in order to get the letter you'll first have to find them... And one of the have already appeared! It's a bit early though so its friends haven't arrived yet. But they're on thier way as well. Good luck in finding them everyone!

Part 3/Ghost Lake!
As you can see, it's possible to get to the ghost lake now. There, you'll be able to earn the first letter of the password. And part three is up as well. Now, I need a rest! I hopw you'll figure the rest out on you own.

Tuesday 5th October!
It will probably not be any new parts up today. I'm working on my halloween event and such things... But I'll get to work on it tomorrow after school, ok? You guys may have noticed a few changes on the site... Like the Secret Graveyard... I mean, I didn't hid it very well did I? And if you check out the shop, you'll see that a new item has been added. Now what can all of this mean? And what the hell..? The site says you need a password to enter the secret graveyard!? ;P

Part two!/Wanna help?-page updated!
Yes! Part two is already up and running! That's because I have such short schooldays this week that I can keep this speed, ok? Keep that in mind. And I have to say, that except for the last two parts of the Fire War 2 adventure, this part is my personal favorit. Since it was so fun to make! I love the trashpeople, and I would have let both Rendoo and Lopsen follow you on your adventure if I could... But I think it gets to messy with to much characters at the same time. So, they'll have to stay behind. Maybe you'll bump into them sometime in the future? ;P I've also updated the Wanna help?-page now. Artists, please check it out! =D

Part one!
Part one of The Future is now up! I'll apologize if many of you thinks it's not that good... This is my first time wrtiting about the future. I'll say that I'm having alot of fun making this adventure though. And you(Now spike, since the adventure was her idea), will be quite suprised when you get to know what's happend to all the pygmys...