Wanna Help?

Well, as I said in the rules, if anyone of you would wanna help me, I'd be very greatful.

What I need right now:

I guess I should ask for a picture again. =P
I want a theme image for the Future. If possible, I would want the Old Lady and Linné in the picture. I want the Old lady to be holding an Aero pygmy egg, and if possible stand back to back with Linné, who'll be waering quite colorful clothes and have his arms folded. Yeah, I know, I'm asking about alot... But I have this great picture in my head that I really want! Anyway... Make the background what you want it to, the city, the Trashlands, anything. Just make sure it's quite gray and depressing. Thanks for reading trough this! //Isalinn =D


Forgotten Elements: The elements are disappearing. Darkness, Inferno and Aqua is already gone... The world is one big ball of dust, due to the fact that there's no water. The trees and flowers and grass have all died because of the missing water. Soon, the animals living on those things will also die. The air is cold because of the missing heat, and the world is stuck in a never-ending day. Something has to be done!

The desiese: It's chaos! Pygmies everywhere are starting to fall ill. You avoid it as good as you can. But then... The Old Lady comes to you and tells you that Aya has also fallen ill! She sends you out on a dangerous mission to find the only cure for the desiese. But as your travels continues... Disaster strikes! Now, your pygmy's ill too! Finding the cure is more important then ever and you're running out of time. It's a game against the clock...