The Future!

First question: Where should you go? It's ovious that you need help. But who'll help you here? Everyone you know is probably long gone... Or..? Maybe not. What about the Old Lady, the Red Mage and the Dark Woman? They seem to be some kind of servents of the gods... They can't be dead can they? But where to find them? You better start walking down the streat to see what you can find. The future is confusing. High tecnologi seems to be used everywhere and people are talking non-stop. You wont find anyone in here... And if you know The Old Lady, the Red Mage and the Dark Woman right, they wont be in the city either. They're probably in some forest nearby or something. You should try to get to the roof of some building so that you can see how far in the city you acctually are.

Ask someone!
Just enter a building!