Ask someone!

You think that since you know nothing about this place, it's best to ask someone who do know. You walk up to the paper guy.
You: Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the top of a building. I wanna see the view.
Paper Guy: Sure. Behind us here is the hospital. Just go there and teleport yourself to the roof.
You: Ok... Thank you.
Teleport to the roof? How? You better not show anyone how little you acctually know about this time. You walk up to the hospital-building and see that beside the door there's a little electronic box where you get to choose levels. 1, 2, 3, 4, Roof and Cellar. You hit the "Roof" botton and in the next second your standing up on the roof of the building, next to a similar electronic box. Cool. They should invent these things soon! You walk to the end of the building to see how far away the nearest forest is. And it appears to be quite far away, 'cause you cant see anything but just more city-buildings... What the hell?? How big citys do they make in the future!? ... Now what?

Go back and ask the guy about how to get out of the city!
Look around on the hospital roof!