Hiding in the Cave!

You're lucky and find a big cave where you can hide from the army in the sky.
Thomas: What are we gonna do!? If we go out there, it'll be the end for us!
You: Calm down. We're not going back out there. At least not until those fire-pygmys are gone.
Thomas: But then what are we going to do? If I understood what you told me right, then we will have to find that Inferno Ring before the day of the eclipse! We got no time to waste!
You: Give me that map, would you? Thanks. See, there are diffrent paths makred on the map, but this land is just one big stone desert. So those paths must be... Tunnels! We're suppose to get to the volcano from under the ground!
Thomas: Of course! I was wondering why we would need a map, the volcano isn't hard to find...
You: Alright. Who'll take the map?
