Inferno Creature!

Thomas takes the map, and lead you right into a trap! You reach a dead end.
You: Thomas! This path ends here!
Thomas: Eh... Yeah. We should have chosen another tunnel...
You: You're useless! From now on, I'll read the map, ok?
Thomas: Yeah, that'll pobably be for the best!
But as you're about to use the map and find a way out of this, you hear a vioce from behind.
Inferno Creature: You're not going anywhere. Did you fools think the Pyros King would leave this tunnels unprotected?
You turn around to see who just said that, and you see that it was a... cat?
You: A cat? A talking cat?
Inferno Creature: I'm not a cat you fool! I'm the Inferno Creature that guards this tunnels! Don't you dare call me a cat!
You: Ok. So do you want me to call you a kitten then?
Inferno Creature: I'll silence you forever! Then you wont be able to call me anything!

Defend yourself! (OBS: 3 Warrior skills or higher only!)
Rainbow Strike! (OBS: Rainbow strike needed!)
Fire Twist! (OBS: Fire Twist needed!)
Wisdom Force! (OBS: Wisdom Force needed!)