The Old Ladys tent of Light!

Old Lady: Please sit down, child. We have so much to talk about.
You: So you're finally gonna tell me what this is all about?
Old Lady: Soon, child, soon. Do you know about the two Gems?
You: No I don't.
Old Lady: Too bad. I'll tell you the story then. You see, child, in ancient times, powerful magicians often appeared in our world. They left behind alot of powerful and dangerous things that has made our world suffer, and will again if they fall into the wrong hands. 
You: And that's what has happend right? I'm gonna go get some old magic things back from some people that cant handle them right?
Old Lady: Yes, you will indeed. This time, one of the two Gems has been stolen from me by a Magicain of the Sea. He is half shark, half human and has great powers. You must be aware of him child. He is not an easy enemy.
You: Ok. I'll be careful.
Old Lady: I'm afriad that wont be enough. You will need help to complete this task, child, since you do not know the ocean and the hidden dangers it holds that well.
You: Do you have someone in mind?
Old Lady: I do. But I must warn you, these pygmy-pirates are not to be trusted. They may want to steal the Darkness Gem themselfs, and you cant let that happend. Although, I'm afriad you do need thier help to get to the Gem in the first place.
You: Alright, I wont let the pirates take the Gem. Understood. Anything else?
Old Lady: Yes, there was something else that I needed to tell you. But I don't seem to remember... Oh! That's right!

The Gem of Light!