The Gem of Light!

Old lady: You see, the Darkness Gem can only be tracked down with the Light Gem.
You: So I have to find the Light Gem first?
Old Lady: No, you don't. You see, I have the Light Gem. And I'm suposse to have the Darkness Gem to, since it's my duty to protect them both. But since one is stolen, I will hand you the other one so that you can find the one that's stolen.
You: Cool.
Old Lady:
I call on you, Light Gem, appear before your masteress!
And then, Aya makes a funny sound and a strong light appears before the Old Lady. When the light has faded, you can see that she's holding the Light Gem in her hands.
Old Lady: Take it, child, and go and bring me the Darkness Gem!

Take the Gem!
No way! I got other plans.