Forgotten Elements!

Yes, the elements has started to disappear... So far, Darkness, Aqua and Inferno's gone. The world is try and full of dust, with no green in sight. The air is cold and dry and really nasty. And time is stuck in a never ending day... Anyone can see that something has to be done. You and your pygmy has been walking around asking your friends about what's going on. But none of them knows anymore then you do. But there's three of your friends you haven't yet asked... And you have a feeling they knows exactly what's causing this. But they're as usual nowhere to be found. Yes, it's the Old Lady, the Red Mage and the Dark Woman. The servents of the gods. But the problem is... Where do you find the servents of the gods? You know where they live... Kind of. But there's no way to find your way there on your own. Besides, they're probably not home. The Old Lady has her tent of light where she can hide. And that tent are moving around to wherever she'd like it to go. Then you see something wierd in the sky. It's a pygmy, that's not the wired part. The wierd part is what kind of pygmy it is. It's a red and white one... Could it be a hybrid of Inferno and White? No, that's impossible. White pygmies don't breed. Everyone knows that. Your pygmy morphs into its lager version and you decide to take a closer look at the wired white and red pygmy. As you're closing in on it, it begins to fly away from you. You fly faster, and it seems the pygmy's up for the game. Before you know it, you're far away from where you started the chase... And you're back in Deadwood! This place is just as dead as it use to be. The disappearing elements hasn't effected it that much. The white and red pygmy lands, and so do you. The pygmy enter a small house. It's owner's probably there. Should you check it out?
