The Red Mage and Éad!

Red Mage: Ah. Good work Éad. I've been looking for you, hero.
You: Yeah, I guessed one of you'd find me and say that. Is that your pygmy over there?
Red Mage: Yes, this is Éad. He's, as you can see, an Inferno/White hybrid.
You: But that's impossible.
Red Mage: Unless you have been studying complecated magic and spells for about two centuires... I'm quite happy with him. Because of his white pygmy blood he can do pretty much everything. And because of his Inferno blood he's a very talented cook.
You: Let me guess... You wanted a pygmy who can make tee?
Red Mage: Yes, acctually I did. How did you know that?
You: I have good memory.
Red Mage: Alright, enough small talk for now. My tee is probably ready by now... Please have a seet. I'll join you in a few minutes.
The Red Mage goes away into another room. You sit down at a small table. After a little while the Red Mage comes back and serves tee. Éad makes sure he and your pygmy also gets some tee... Does pygmies even drink tee..? Anyway. You have more imporant stuff to think about right now.
You: The elements are disappearing.
Red Mage: Oh, so you've noticed that?
You: Tell me one person who hasn't.
Red Mage: Me, until I came home yesterday morning. I guess it's my own fault for being gone for so long.
You: But you know why, right?
Red Mage: I do. It's because the Pure Soul Shards are gone.
You: The what are gone?
Red Mage: The Pure Soul Shards. As you know, there's shards with the power of the elements, Inferno Shards, Helios Shards, Aqua Shards and so on.. But there's always these Pure Soul Shards that creates them. The Pure Inferno-Soul Shard, The Pure Helios-Soul Shard and so on. They are uniqe. If they would disappear, it would mean the end of that element. And that's what's happening now.
You: Is there a way to get them back?
Red Mage: Yes, hero. I think so. You see, there's been a burglary...
You: Cant the police take that?
Red Mage: Please, let me finish. There's been a burglary in one of the old greeks temples. The person, whoever that was, stole Pandoras Box. You've ever heard of that?
You: Yes. It contains all the worlds suffers... Or something like that. Then they were let out.
Red Mage: Well, yes. But we're not talking about the worlds suffers. We're talking about the Box. It's a Box containing so much magic it was able to seal away all of the worlds suffers, which means it can seal away pretty much everything. Even the elements...
You: Oh, now I get it. We're going after the thief who stole the Box, then we save the world at the same time.
Red Mage: That's one way to put it...
You: What are we waiting for then?
Red Mage: For you to finish your tee so that we can get moving. We're going to Greece.

I'm done!