
Just as last time, the ship appears to be empty, but before you know it, your surrounded!
Coralines Servent: You again. I've had enough of you already. What do you want?
You: We're looking for a stolen box. Sounds familiar?
Coralines Servent: Oh, kid! Don't remind me of that! We steal pandoras box for some... Ehem... Friends of ours, and look what they did with it! The whole sea is gone! Gone I tell you!
You: Quit shouting, I can see that myself. So you don't have the box then?
Coralines Servent: I wish I had. If I did, I would drop the anchor on it, burn it, and feed Kraken with it!
You: Kraken?
Coralines Servent: Some old seabeast, but don't mind that! Get of the ship!
You: Not without the box.
Red Mage: May I step in here, before they eat us? Listen, angry pirates. We want the box, you want the box. Why not work together?
Coralines Servent: No way! Not in my entire...
Coraline growls at her servent. The servent looks suprised but bows and turns back to you.
Coralines Servent: We will take the night to consider your offer, Mage. Don't leave this beach.
You: What beach? The whole world is a desert!

Wait for sunrise!
Explore the "beach"!