
The Red Mage has made some tea while your waiting.
You: So... We got nothing to do for the rest of the night. Why don't you tell me more about you.
Red Mage: What do you wanna know?
You: As much as I can. You god-servents confuses me. Why are you helping me in the first place?
Red Mage: Every world needs a hero. Your the best one I've met for years! But the hero cant save the world if no one tells him or her what to do. So that's why we're here.
You: So, you're my information source?
Red Mage: Exactly.
You: But who are you then?
Red Mage: Who am I? I'm the Red Mage. I begun my life as a simple mage apprentice. Then I got the job as Zhunders Servent and I took it. No one says no to the gods, you know.
You: Yeah, I've noticed that...
Red Mage: I've been studying magic since then. I belive Zhunder gave me enternal life as a gift for beeing good at work.. Or maybe because he didnät want to change servent all the time? However, I don't have a problem with it.
You: Wow... Enternal life. That must be so amazing!
Red Mage: Yes, the first 100 years or so, but you get use to it quite fast.
You: Whatever you say.

The dawn!