Who stole the box?

You and the Red Mage enter the heart of the temple. You can clearly see where the box is suppose to be... And that it's not where it's supposed to be.
You: The box is stolen. We knew that already. What are we doing here then?
Red Mage: Well, I figured it'd be good to know who stole it.
You: Any ideas?
Red Mage: We just arrived. Let us have a look around first.
You walk around the room, stares at the place where the box is suppose to be for a few minutes, and play fetch with your pygmy.
You: Any ideas now?
Red Mage: Well, I found this.
He shows a small, black ring with a skull on it.
You: The pirates.
Red Mage: Yes. They must be here, in greece. Come, let's go find them and ask them a few questions...
You: Sure. Do you know the way to the sea?
Red Mage: Yes, I do. I've been studying geography for centuries too.
You: How old are you!?
Red Mage: Let's just say I've been with Zhunder since the beginning...
You: What did you do before the biginning then?
Red Mage: I drank tea. Speaking of tea, do you want some?

This is the end of part two. Go back to the adventure page and select the next part to continue the adventure.