Welcome on borad!

When you enter the beach, so see that a big pirate ship is waiting for you. Just as the Old Lady said that it would. You and your pygmy enter the ship, but it seems to be empty. Suddenly, you hear a noise from behind. You turn around and find yourself face to face with an Undead Aqua pygmy, and a human dressed up in black clothes.
Coralines Servent: What business do you have with us?
You: I'm here to talk to your leader, Coraline.
Coralines Servent: That's just what your doing, kid. Spit it out.
You: I've come to take back something that was stolen from a friend. And I need your help.
Coralines Servent: What makes you think you'll get it?
You: Because I don't think you'll miss a chance to get your hands on the Darkness Gem.
Coralines Servent: Intresting, kid. We'll have to think about it. Come back at sunset, and we will have our answer ready.
You: Alright.

Explore the Beach!
Go swim! (OBS: Players with the Red Seeker rank or higher only!)l