Watch out, crocodiles!

Your pygmy wakes up. It can feel that its wet. It's laying in a small pool of water. And someone has put a chian around its neck! A bit chocked, it gets to its feet fast. Then it can see that it's not alone. Right beside it is Coraline and Negandra, also with chains around thier necks. Coralines red eyes are glowing by rage. Your pygmy takes a few steps away from her. Negandra is staring at something a few feets away. Your pygmy makes a scared little sound when it realises what Negandra is staring at. Crocodiles! As a react to the new sound, the crocodiles begins to come closer...

Bite of the cains and escape! (OBS: 2 Warrior skills or higher only!)
Let Coraline take care of it!