To the lava-well!

Attacking fire creatures with fire doesn't seem that logical, but it works! Thomas and Kasper continues forward and when they know that they're almost there, another beast appear!
Lava-Well Guard: I know who you are.
Thomas: Oh, yeah? Who am I then?
Lava-Well Guard: You're that annoying little kid who thinks he can stop my master and save the world. But that kid hasen't counted with me!
Thomas: Probably because I didn't know about you. You're not that famous, whoever you are.
Lava-Well Guard: I'm the Lava-Well Guard. And I'm not letting anyone go near the Lava-Well, understand?
Thomas: Kasper! Attack!

Attack the Lava-Well Guard! (OBS: Two Warrior skills or higher only!)
Run away!