The Dark Woman!

Inside the castle you're met by a young lady. Or a half young lady... That's scary!
Dark Woman: You know why you've come?
You: Not yet..?
Dark Woman: Then I will tell you. Someone has to be punished and you have been chosen to do the work.
You: Oh come on! I've been running tasks for the gods all day. Cant they do anything on thier own!?
Dark Woman: They have other things to worry about.
You: Alright. I've helped Epona and Zhunder so why shouldn't I help Valcor too? Where is he?
Dark Woman: Did you acctually think you would get to meet the great Valcor? No, of course you wont. He doesn't waste his time on simple humans like you. Instead, I'll come with you.
You: What are we suppose to do then?
Dark Woman: One of Valcors servents has betrayed us. Valcor would never accept a traitor! It's time for that person to pay for what she did.
You: What exactly did she do?
Dark Woman: She helped one of our prisoners to escape... Now let's move on!

No way! I'm not helping you with that!
Alright. Why not?