Oh no!

You run away from Epona. You're sure about what's going on and that scares you. The sky grows darker as you're running and it gets more and more difficult to see. Soon, you're surrounded by complete darkness. You call for your pygmy but get no respond. You start screaming your pygmys name, again and again and again. Still no respond. Then you remember... You're pygmy long gone. About 100 years ago... (Or maybe even longer..? Well, you haven't been counting) ... Thw world turned black. Every pygmy was killed and every human was turned into a lonley ghost-like spirit, cursed to walk around in the darkness forever. The darkness... You start running again, running away from Epona. It's getting darker and darker... Soon, you cant see anymore. You start calling your pygmys name. And you keep calling... And calling...