The Valve!

Unlucky for you, the valves of the future are small... Really small... But there's enough room for Angel in there!
Linné: But we cant send her in there all alone right... I mean, she's not even two hours old yet...
You: She'll handle it. Pygmies may be small, but they're quite strong physicly. I bet she already knows that all the other pygmies needs her help and is counting on her, and that she wants to help.
Linné: Aww... Alright. But you promise me you'll be really careful ok Angel?
Angel crawls into the valve and you both follows her with your eyes as long as you can. Then, all you can do is wait, and hope that she finds something good.
You: So... Tell me something funny about the future?
Linné: Like what?
You: Well, what's your favorit food?
Linné: Hamburger.
You: Alright... What do you have on it then?
Linné: Cucumber, ketchup and dry butterflies. I don't get why you care..?
You: Dry butterflies? Are you serious?
Linné: What? Almost everyone I know eats that...
You: Oh my Epona...
Then, just as you're thinking about what to ask next, Angel comes back. She seems happy and makes a few funny noices. She's already on her way, she's crawling away along the corrior.
Linné: Hey! Wait! They're fast for beeing so small...
Linné picks up Angel and you both let her lead the way. She's found something...

Follow Angel!