The Old Lady!

The tunnel is somehow glowing by itself... That's a good sign! It seems similar to Ayas Helios magic! This MUST be it! And sure enough, you bumb into a purple cloth that's blocking the way, and behind it, is the Old Lady!
Old Lady: Child, you've come in the last minute! This world is falling apart...
You: Yeah. I've noticed that... I'm in the future, and now I want some answers!
Old Lady: Sit down child, we have alot to talk about. Who's you friend?
Linné: I'm Linné.
Old Lady: You're very welcome Linné. Child, listen. About 70 years ago, you disappeared. Your pygmy seached for you for decades... But then, the humans started to campture the pygmies, to use them as energy source. The pygmies were all locked inside small glass-boxes and put inside a power plant inside the cities.
You: They took my pygmy as well!?
Old Lady: Calm down, child. Yes, they did. Everyone is either locked away or killed...
You: But not Aya right? You've watched over her so she's fine.
Old Lady: Not quite. Aya couldn't stand all those pygmies suffering so she gathered her last strength and attacked the humans in order to free the other pygmies. But she got killed...
You: That's horrible!
Old Lady: Yes, I miss her so much...
You: But what about the rumors about you hiding a pygmy then?
Old Lady: Oh yes, I do. But that pygmy's still just an egg. It's an Aero egg. You see, Aeros didn't give as much energy as the other ones so they were brought down to extermination. The egg I have is the only one left...
You: NO! They cant do that! What have the pygmies ever done to deserve this!?
Old Lady: Nothing, of course.
Linné: Maybe we should rescue them..?
You: Oh! I cant belive I didn't think of that! Of course we'll rescue them! So, what are we waiting for?
Old Lady: Wait! The Aero pygmy egg, it'll hatch soon. So it needs someone to be bounded to.
You: Cant you take it?
Old Lady: No. I'm not meant to have it. How about your friend here? Linné was the name, right?
Linné: I cant take that! What if it eats me..?
You: It wont EAT you! Come on, you honestly belive that?
Linné: You never know..
You: Just take the egg. I promise you it wont eat you, and I'll teach you everything you need to know. It's like.. a pet. It's like a pet.
Linné: Do I have to?
You: Yep.
Linné: I'll regret this.. But alright.

Attack plans..