The Red Mage!


You enter the castle were a boy that looks like he's about 17 or something meets you.
Red Mage: Ah, welcome to Zhunders Castle, hero. I didn't expect you so soon. You did indeed quite a good job with that Chaos, I think we've seen the last of him now, but I'm afraid you're work isn't done yet.
You: Hold on a minute. Who are you?
Red Mage: Oh yes, I forgot you didn't know that. I'm the Red Mage, or Zhunders servent. Acctually, you can call me whatever you want to.
You: I'll just call you Red Mage then.
Red Mage: Alright. Well, as I said, there's more work that has to be done. You know, Chaos didn't attack alone, even though it might be his attack that was most visible... What I'm trying to say is that there's more.
You: More prehistoric monsters?
Red Mage: Kind of. You see, this creatue is a spirit creautre created by a spirit magician. The magician is a big threat himselft, and Zhunder knows that if he attacks the magician, the magicain will relise his beast on the world and Zhunder wont be able to defeat the magician in time to deal with the creature. But you see, that's where you come in.
You: I'm taking the creature, am I not?
Red Mage: You're a quick study, hero. Yes, the responsibility of completing that task is yours.
You: Great...
Red Mage: So, do you want some tea before we begin? I bet you'll love my tea, it's magical.
You: Eh... No thanks. I'd like to focus on that spirit creature.
Red Mage: Another time then. This way.

Follow the Red Mage!