The Magicain of the Sea!

They enter the middle ward of the rainforst temple. You know that because someone has put up a sign with the word "MIDDLE" written on it(For Terra Pygmys/Hybrids with Terra/White pygmys/Agless/You get it: Who is putting up these signs!?). Your pygmy hears a sound coming from behind it. It quickly turns around to face... The Shark-Human, also known as the Magicain of the Sea! And he's holding the Darkness Gem in his right hand...

Attack! (OBS: 2 Warrior skills or higher only!)
Attack with Elemental Blow! (OBS: 2 Elemental skills or higher only!)
Steal that Gem! (OBS: Force of the Thiefs is needed!(The move isn't up on the site yet))