The Vampire Lord!

Nothing could have prepared you for what waited for you on the second floor. There were vampire beasts everywhere, but who cares about that. Because on a spooky-looking throne in the middle of the big room at the second floor, were a real vampire. Real, as in, human-ish-vampire. And that's not all... He's starting to speak with you...

Vampire Lord: I've been waiting for you, innocent mortal.
You: Really?
Vampire Lord: Yes. I must say I'm quite impressed with your skills. You have avoided every trap I've set for you so far, but that will be no more. It will all end tonight. You can see that my loyal servents have surrounded you. You are not getting out of here tonight, alive.
You: We'll see about that. But first, tell me what's going on. And what part do Thursday have in all this?
Vampire Lord: Very well. You see, I have been watching my heirs for 200 years now. Looking for someone worthy the power of immortallity. But sadly, no one has been good enough. That is, until Thursday was born. I knew from the beginning that she would become the perfect vampire and together, we would rule the world. I've just been waiting for her to get old enough. Now, my goal is closer then ever. I was just prepearing to change her into a vampire when you showed up. Starting to look for that egg I stole from her. Yes, I stole it. I thought that if I stole her sisters pygmy egg, her sister would blame her for losing it. Then, when she thought her sister had abandoned her and that she was all alone, I would make my move.
You: Wow.. You must have alot of time on your hands to come up with something that stupid...
Vampire Lord: Silence. You have also proven yourself worthy. What do you say, mortal. Would you like to join me as a part of my new world?

No way!