The Condor!

You and your pygmy enter Thursdays Garden. And the first thing you notice, is that it's a very, very, very creepy garden. But then again, if it wouldn't have been creepy, it wouldn't fit in here in Deadwood. You start looking around, and you make sure to stay away from those meat-eating flowers Thursday seems to like so much... Then you hear a noice behind you. You turn around and see what it is that has moved in to Thursdays Garden. It's a Condor, a huge eagle-like bird who only can be found on The Mountain of the Four Winds, and in some parts of Deadwood. Your pygmy quickly morphs into its bigger version of itself and puts itself between you and the Condor.

Run away!

Rare Item: Blue Piece of the Puzzle.
Location: Thursdays Garden.
Rarity Score: 1
Secret Code: 00008