The City!

Lucky for you, Linné has been living here for his whole life, so he knows exactly where to go. It seems the Power Plant isn't far from the teleportation Station, 'cause you don't need to take a flying taxi, you can walk there. The building in itself seems to cover a third of the city though! IT'S HUGE!
Linné: So this is it?
You: Yep. And remember, we're kids looking for work.
Linné: Yeah, I know. We're looking for work. But I think you should let me do the talking, since you don't know anything about this..
You: Fine. Go on.
You both walk up to one of the guards by the front door. (Or can you really call that a door? It's HUGE!)
Guard: What do you two kids want? It's dangerous here!
Linné: We're looking for a work. In the kitchen maybe? We know it's dangerous but we wanna help!
Guard: That's nice kid, but we don't need any help from you. So just go home!
Linné: We cant! We don't have a home, and we have alot of sibblings to care for also... Please! We need a job!
Guard: I'll take you both to the kitchen, so you can arguee with the cook and leave me alone!
Linné: Thank you!

Follow the Guard inside!