Thomas great idea!

You have been very busy this morning since the number of fire-pygmys just keeps rising, no matter how many you and Thomas destroys. So you are right now relaxing out in an open field(So that you wont get any suprises) and allowing your pygmy to rest. Then all of a sudden, Thomas and his hybrid pygmy Kasper turns up.
Thomas: So you're taking a break?
You: Yeah. Is there no end to them?
Thomas: I think not... Yet. You see I talked to an old lady this morning. She said that she knew about a special cave not to far away that had something hidden inside that might help us.
You: Great. Did you ask the old lady what it was?
Thomas: Of course, I'm not that stupid. But she didn't want to tell me.
You: I bet we'll find out once we've found the item. Let's go.

To the Eld Cave! 

(For those who cares, "Eld" is fire in swedish. I just didn't wanna give the cave the name Fire or Inferno, and I'm saving Pyros for later!)