Tell Linné!

You: Well, this is gonna sound wierd, but I'm from the past. I fell asleep on some wierd stone and woke up in the future...
Linné: ? Ok... So you're looking for someone you knew back then? I'm confused...
You: Yeah. I figured that... Atleast you're not angry. Well, you see I'm looking for either the Old Lady, the Red Mage or the Dark Woman. They always seems to know what's going on.
Linné: Well, I haven't heard about the other two, but the Old Lady's Wanted by the police, don't you know that?
You: She's what!?
Linné: Well, they say she's hiding a pygmy. But if you ask me I think they're just lying. Everyone knows that there are no pygmies left out there. Everyone has been captured already.
You: Captured! Why!?
Linné: So that they can serve as energy source, of course. How do you think we could build all of this?
You: But that's terrible! Is my pygmy also captured? I gotta go help it!
Linné: You have a pygmy!? What the..?
You: Well. Back in the old times, where I live, almost everyone has atleast one pygmy. They're our best friends and protectors. I cant belive you're useing them as energy sources!
Linné: You mean... That they're loose? They're not locked in or something?
You: No.
Linné: But... But they're just animals. Wild animals. They cant possibly be tame as pets!
You: They sure can! And I think the police is right, the Old Lady is probably hiding her pygmy Aya somewhere. When we find them both, I'll show you just how wrong you are!
Linné: I gotta go tell the police about this..
You: NO! You cant! Please! Trust me, they're really sweet and nice and...
Linné: Alright. But I'm only comeing to gather evidence, ok? I don't want to get in trouble..
You: It's fine. If we get cought I'll tell the police I don't know you. Better?
Linné: I guess so...

Walk somewhere! (What else will you do?)