The Pyros Titan Defeated!

After hitting the Pyros Titan with Fire Twist, he dissapears in a huge could of smoke. That's not all, but the whole Pyros Army dissapears as a part of that huge smoke cloud. You land as fast as you can. It's impossible to breath up there.
Old Lady: Well done, child, well done.
You turn around and see the old lady standing there right behind you.
You: Have you been here all the time?
Old Lady: No, of course not. I'm not that stupid. I came now, when it's safe. I wanted to thank you. You did well.
You: Ok. Thanks. Well, I did my best. And Thomas too. Speaking of Thomas, I must go get him. He'll be so happy to hear that the Pyros Titan is dead!
Old Lady: No child, it's far too late for that.
You: What do you mean?
Old Lady: Thomas isn't with us anymore. When Kasper left this world, Thomas decided to follow him.
You: WHAT!? He.. He's dead?
Old Lady: Yes, indeed he is.
You: No... That's not fair!
Old Lady: How many times do I have to say it? The world isn't fair! However, you're still alive child, witch is good. 'Cause destiny has planned harder tasks that you now have ahead of you.
You: Oh, great.
Old Lady: Oh yes, I almost forgot. I have something for you, child. As a reward for saving the world once again.

Rare Item: Crystal Ball
Location: The land of the Volcano.
Rarity Score: 10
Secret Code: 74098

This is the end of Fire War 2. Go back to the adventure page and select the next adventure if you'd like a new challange.