Name: So you don't know my name? *deathstare*
Element: White/Black/Ageless? >:3 supreme ultimate pygmy of death! *Evil laugh*
Relationship(s): gah! whaddayou care. absoloutly none. never did, never will.
Personallity: hmmmm... vicious, daring, no fear, smart *smirk*, will tear you apart if you don't stop asking questions. >:s...
spike: And full of himself *shot*
Hobby: *posh voice* I like knitting :3 heh heh derp
Dreams/Worst Fears: fears? Me? Ha! Well... Running into my father wouldn't be so pleasant... And yet I wish I could meet him. *Daydream*
Skill(What your pygmy's good at): Everything. *chogh* Fighting, Winning, making other pygmys shriek with fear as they see me *Proud*, drinking blood... *coughchoughknittingchough* ahem, so yeah. *Deathglare*  
Name: Lume
Element: Inferno
Relationship(s): Negandra, Piru
Personallity: Lume is a fighter. She was very much power and also to deal with it. From her appearence, it says quickly that she's cold and uncaring. But this is not the case. She has a big heart and is kind and shows great understanding. She loves her children above all else and would give her life for thiers. Just as her love for her partner.
Hobby: Sunbathe, walk on hot sand, fly around and take care of her children.
Dreams/Worst Fears: Dreams: She wants with all her heart, that with Nathanel and Negandra become a happy family. Fears: To die alone and unhappy.
Skills(What your pygmy's good at): Can stand very high heat, has good stamina, unbreakable will, close combat and ranged.
Name: SeaSole
Element: Aqua
Relationship(s): Has two sons, Leaf Wind(Lives with SeaSole, mine) and Aaron Southern(Lives with mother Roshi owned by Yuko)
Personallity: SeaSole has a heart and spirit of a warrior. Maybe once he will become the leader of some clan. He knows laot of fighting methodes and can fight for many hours for his life and for the life of his sons and friends. SeaSole is noble, generous and gentle as a real knight. He is smth, like a superhero. I mean that he is always ready to help any creature which is in trouble. And of course as any warrior he likes adventures! He can't sit on one place withour doing nothing. I thik SeaSole is my best pygmy!
Hooby: SeaSole tries to teach Leaf Wind diffrent warrior skills. But he has been doing it for so long, it became his hobby. XD
Dreams/Worst Fears: His dream is to create his own clan, where all his family will live in happiness. And his worst fear is to lose everything: His children, his friends, his home. That's why he became a warrior.
Skills(What your pygmy's good at): Fighting, fighting and fighting again! Warrior is warrior.