
Pyros King: So... This is what the people of the earth has send to stop me? Two kids and two pygmys. How sad. I'm afraid that wont be enough!
You: We'll see about that!
Thomas: Yeah, we have a few tricks we can use!
Pyros King: HA! And you think a few tricks will be enough to make my unstoppable army fall?
Thomas: Eh.. Yeah that's what we're hoping for.
Pyros King: Then you can stop hoping. 'Cause you're not going to live for that much longer!
And when he has said those words, the whole army attacks you! Your pygmy and Kaspar fights back as good as they can, but it's still not enough. Everything turns black...

Dendelion leaf 2. This leaf is worth 4 Rarity Score. If you have found this leaf, pm its secret code to Isalinn and the person that you want to give it to. Then, that person will get 4 Rarity Score points and so will you. If another player gives you a leaf, you'll get a pm from Isalinn telling you who gave you the leaf and how much Rarity Score you'll get. If you don't wish for the person to know that you send him/her the leaf, you'll have to mention that in your pm.
Secret Code: JUDDN