Coralines Promise

It's sunset so you head back to the ship. This time, the ship is full of pirate-pygmys! Thier servents in bacl clothes are also everywhere. Everyone is looking at you as you arrive. The servent that you met before takes you down to the cabin, where Coraline and another pygmy is waiting for you.
Coralines Servent: Well, we've been thinking about what you said when you were here last time... And we have decided that you can't get the Darkness Gem back all by yourself. And my Epona what would we do if it would fall into the wrong hands? Of course we'll help you, kid. But remember, when you're working with us, we're in comand ok?
You: Yeah. I can live with that.
Coralines Servent: You'll have too, 'cause if you don't, you wont live for that much longer.
You: Wow, I belive you must have many friends since you're so nice to your guests.
Coralines Servent: Do you want our help or not, kid?
You: Sorry. Yes, I do.
Coralines Servent: Well then. Do you know who stole the Gem?
You: Yeah. It was a Magician of the Sea. You know, those half fish, half human people...
Coralines Servent: It's half shark, and yes we know about them.
You: Shark is a fish.
Coralines Servent: Whatever! The point is that this is going to be easier then I first thought. We're in, kid. But how do we find the right Magicain of the Sea? There's so many...
You: That's why you're going to need me. You see, I have the Light Gem. It can track down the Darkness Gem.
Coralines Servent: Hehe, great. We'll sail by midnight! From now on, you wont be leaving this ship, got it, kid?
You: Alright then.

And of we go!